Source: BSc_CH
Marked as 'Integral membrane protein'
Confidence: medium (present in either hRBCD or BSc_CH or PM22954596) Search PubMed for
(RBC AND this entry)

Gene names: COX6C
Protein names and data: COX6C_HUMAN , Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6C , Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide VIc Lenght: 75 a.a.
Mass: 8781 Da
fasta formatted sequence

Function: This protein is one of the nuclear-coded polypeptide chains of cytochrome c oxidase, the terminal oxidase in mitochondrial electron transport.
Cellular location: Mitochondrion inner membrane.

Database cross-references

UniProt: P09669
Ensembl: ENST00000297564
Ensembl: ENST00000517682
Ensembl: ENST00000518171
Ensembl: ENST00000520271
Ensembl: ENST00000520468
Ensembl: ENST00000520517
Ensembl: ENST00000522934
Ensembl: ENST00000522940
Ensembl: ENST00000523016
Ensembl: ENST00000524245
MIM: 124090
neXtProt: NX_P09669
Antibodypedia: P09669 (may not find the protein thus also not any antibody)
Local full text data: click here

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