Number of membrane proteins in the database: | 846 |
Number of proteins in the database: | 2638 |
Click on a number to see the list of corresponding proteins.
Percentage is MEM(protein)/n(protein)*100
Source | n(protein) | n_unique | MEM(protein) | MEM_unique | cross-stat |
hRBCD | 529 | 21 | 209 (40%) | 2 | click here |
PM19886704 | 1653 | 67 | 512 (31%) | 17 | click here |
BGMUT | 32 | 3 | 30 (94%) | 3 | click here |
BSc_CH | 419 | 136 | 264 (63%) | 78 | click here |
BD_CD | 30 | 25 | 30 (100%) | 25 | click here |
PM23856902 | 2166 | 369 | 687 (32%) | 85 | click here |
PM22954596 | 798 | 196 | 304 (38%) | 20 | click here |