Source: PM23856902
Marked as 'Non-membrane protein'
Confidence: low (only semi-automatic identification from reviews) Search PubMed for
(RBC AND this entry)

Gene names: UBC
Protein names and data: UBC_HUMAN , Polyubiquitin-C; Ubiquitin; Flags: Precursor Lenght: 685 a.a.
Mass: 77039 Da
fasta formatted sequence

Function: Ubiquitin exists either covalently attached to another protein, or free (unanchored). When covalently bound, it is conjugated to target proteins via an isopeptide bond either as a monomer (monoubiquitin), a polymer linked via different Lys residues of the ubiquitin (polyubiquitin chains) or a linear polymer linked via the initiator Met of the ubiquitin (linear polyubiquitin chains). Polyubiquitin chains, when attached to a target protein, have different functions depending on the Lys residue of the ubiquitin that is linked: Lys-6-linked may be involved in DNA repair; Lys-11-linked is involved in ERAD (endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation) and in cell-cycle regulation; Lys-29-linked is involved in lysosomal degradation; Lys-33-linked is involved in kinase modification; Lys-48-linked is involved in protein degradation via the proteasome; Lys-63-linked is involved in endocytosis, DNA-damage responses as well as in signaling processes leading to activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa-B. Linear polymer chains formed via attachment by the initiator Met lead to cell signaling. Ubiquitin is usually conjugated to Lys residues of target proteins, however, in rare cases, conjugation to Cys or Ser residues has been observed. When polyubiquitin is free (unanchored-polyubiquitin), it also has distinct roles, such as in activation of protein kinases, and in signaling.
Cellular location: Ubiquitin: Cytoplasm (By similarity). Nucleus (By similarity).

Database cross-references

UniProt: P0CG48
Ensembl: ENST00000339647
Ensembl: ENST00000536769
MIM: 191340
neXtProt: NX_P0CG48
Antibodypedia: P0CG48 (may not find the protein thus also not any antibody)
Local full text data: click here

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