Source: hRBCD ; ID: IPI00003909
Marked as 'Integral membrane protein'
Confidence: medium (present in either hRBCD or BSc_CH or PM22954596) Search PubMed for
(RBC AND this entry)

Gene names: SLC2A3 , GLUT3
Protein names and data: GTR3_HUMAN , Solute carrier family 2, facilitated glucose transporter member 3 , Glucose transporter type 3, brain; GLUT-3 Lenght: 496 a.a.
Mass: 53924 Da
fasta formatted sequence

Function: Facilitative glucose transporter. Probably a neuronal glucose transporter.
Cellular location: Membrane; Multi-pass membrane protein.
Tissue specificity: Highly expressed in brain. Expressed in many tissues.

Genetic variants

Database cross-references

UniProt: P11169
Ensembl: ENST00000075120
MIM: 138170
neXtProt: NX_P11169
Antibodypedia: P11169 (may not find the protein thus also not any antibody)
Local full text data: click here

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